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题目:Managing over-abundant population of native species ? an ecological dilemma
时间:12月27日(周三)16: 00-18:00
报告摘要:It is well known that human induce habitat changes have caused species extinction and population decline of many native species. Such human induced changes can also result population expansions of native species. Management of such overabundant native species become equally, if not more, challenging than managing exotic invasive species. In this talk, through her study on the interactions of New Zealand mangrove (Avicennia marina) and an threatened native bird species banded rail (Gallirallus philippensis), Dr Ji will explain the challenges of mangrove management in New Zealand.
纪维红教授, 2001年获新西兰奥克兰大学环境科学系博士学位,2002-2004年在英国约克大学环境科学系从事博士后工作。现任新西兰梅西大学自然与数学科学学院博士生导师,人类与野生动物关系研究室主任。兼任《Wildlife Research》、《Grassland Science》学术期刊编委;yl23455永利10大兼职教授,西北大学和甘肃农业大学客座教授;中国科学基金委重点项目和U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation项目评审人。研究方向为野生动物行为生态,人类活动对野生动物种群和行为的影响及野生动物于人类的冲突,在Nature, BMC Ecology,Behavioral Ecology等杂志发表100余篇。