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2018.10-2019.10,美国德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校,地图学与地理信息系统专业,联合培养博士,导师:Hongjie Xie教授
[1] “双一流”引导专项-队伍建设经费-科研启动费,100万元,2020.12-2025.11,主持
[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31672484):高寒天然草地牧草营养成分和饲用价值的高光谱遥感机理研究,2017.01-2020.12,62万元,参与
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31702175):基于多源遥感数据的高寒草地草层高度反演研究,2018.01-2020.12,参与
[4] 重点研发计划(子课题):甘南与川西北高寒草地、沙化地和湿地系统时空分布格局研究,2017.1-2020.12,参与
[1] Jinlong Gao, Tiangang Liang*, Jie Liu, et al. Potential of hyperspectral data and machine learning algorithms to estimate the forage carbon-nitrogen ratio in an alpine grassland ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2020, 163: 362-374.
[2] Jinlong Gao, Jie Liu, Tiangang Liang*, et al. Mapping the forage nitrogen-phosphorus ratio based on Sentinel-2 MSI data and a random forest algorithm in an alpine grassland ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 2929.
[3] Jinlong Gao, Baoping Meng, Tiangang Liang*, et al. Modeling alpine grassland forage phosphorus based on hyperspectral remote sensing and a multi-factor machine learning algorithm in the east of Tibetan Plateau, China. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2019, 147: 104-117.
[4] Jinlong Gao, Tiangang Liang*, Jianpeng Yin, et al. Estimation of grassland forage nitrogen coupled with hyperspectral characteristics during different growth periods on the Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 2019, 11, 2085.
[5] Jinlong Gao, Xiaodong Huang*, Xiaofang Ma, et al. Snow disaster early warning in pastoral areas of Qinghai Province, China. Remote Sensing, 2017, 9, 475.
[6] Baoping Meng, Jinlong Gao, Tiangang Liang*, et al. Modeling of alpine grassland cover based on unmanned aerial vehicle technology and multi-factor methods: A case study in the east of Tibetan Plateau, China. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10, 320.
[7] Mengjing Hou, Jinlong Gao, Qisheng Feng, Tiangang Liang*. Method for grassland information extraction using remote sensing technology combining support vector machine and decision tree. The 4th International Grassland Agro-ecosystems Conference, 2018, 92-95.
[8] Jie Liu, Jinlong Gao, Qisheng Feng, Tiangang Liang*. Spatio-temporal dynamic changes of grassland NPP based on CASA model in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. The 4th International Grassland Agro-ecosystems Conference. 2018, 264-267.
[9] Mengjing Hou, Jing Ge, Jinlong Gao, et al. Ecological risk assessment and impact factor analysis of alpine wetland ecosystem based on LUCC and boosted regression tree on the Zoige Plateau, China. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 368.
[10] 高金龙, 刘洁, 侯蒙京等. 天然草地牧草营养品质的高光谱遥感研究进展. 草业学报, 2020, 29: 172-185.
[11] 高金龙, 候尧宸, 白彦福等. 基于高光谱数据的高寒草甸氮磷钾含量估测方法研究—以青海省贵南县及玛沁县高寒草甸为例. 草业学报, 2016, 25: 9-21.
[12] 高金龙, 孟宝平, 杨淑霞等. 基于HJ-1A卫星数据的高寒草地氮素评估—以青海省贵南县及玛沁县高寒草地为例. 草业学报, 2016, 25: 11-20.
[13] 侯蒙京, 高金龙, 葛静, 等. 青藏高原东部高寒沼泽湿地动态变化及其驱动因素研究. 草业学报, 2020, 29: 13-27.
[14] 殷建鹏, 高金龙, 冯琦胜等. 中国北方草地资源管理信息系统的设计与实现. 草业科学, 2018, 35: 1022-1029.
[15] 殷建鹏, 高金龙, 冯琦胜等. 黄河源区高寒草甸群落高度遥感模拟与评价. 草业科学, 2018, 35: 737-748.
[1] 高金龙, 冯琦胜, 梁天刚. 草地资源监测与信息管理平台V1.0, 2017.01, 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 计算机软件著作权(2017SR220249)
[2] 高金龙, 冯琦胜, 梁天刚, 费建瑶. 青海牧区积雪监测与雪灾预警系统V1.0, 2017.01, 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 计算机软件著作权(2017SR222614)