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应yl23455永利10大草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室和yl23455永利10大邀请,美国德克萨斯理工大学副校长助理David C. Weindorf教授和Matthew G. Siebecker副教授将于近期访问yl23455永利10大并做学术报告,欢迎广大师生积极参加!
时 间:6月27日(星期四)下午15:00-17:00
地 点:碧野楼四楼报告厅
报告一:New Directions in Contemporary Pedology
报告人:David C. Weindorf教授
Pedology has long been defined by concepts of soil morphology, classification, and genesis. While such a definition still holds true today, Pedology is moving in new and dynamic directions and intersecting with a number of tangential disciplines. New technologies such as proximal sensors, remote sensing, and the global positioning system have given rise to digital soil morphometrics. New advances in soil classification are evolving to include subaqueous soils and human altered soils. Increased urban sprawl and industrialization present new questions about the safety and reuse of urban soils. Processed materials such as mine tailings are also being investigated for evidence of pedogenesis. Even the definition of soil is a source of great debate as extraterrestrial exploration via probes and landers reveals new information on the moon and Mars. In short, this presentation will explore new directions in which Pedology is advancing whereby the health and prosperity of a rapidly expanding global population can be sustained.
报告二:Tackling Modern Challenges in Environmental Soil Chemistry
报告人:Matthew G. Siebecker副教授
Modern challenges in environmental soil chemistry are more dynamic now than ever. These challenges stem from anthropogenic pressures put on soils and sediments. Heavy metal contaminated soils due to mining and industrial activities, climate change affected contaminated soils prone to flooding from rainfall and sea level rise, and soil carbon loss into the atmosphere are just some of the problems faced in our field. To tackle these challenges, we need to understand them from both temporal and spatial points of view so that we can provide ideas and solutions to help mitigate their negative impacts and improve our environment. The temporal scale ranges from seconds to years and the spatial scale from landscape down to nanometers. The chemical, physical, and biological reactions of contaminants in soils and sediments play different roles on these scales and need to be investigated using modern and novel research tools. For example, high energy X-rays from synchrotron light sources can identify specific metal species in contaminated soils and mineral systems. Additionally, dynamic redox conditions and oxidation states enhance or inhibit contaminant release into the mobile (aqueous) phase. Characterizing these redox reactions and conditions based on their kinetics (rates) and chemical species (forms) is essential to understand contaminant fate in the environment. The objective of our work is to understand fundamental soil chemical reactions at both the macroscopic and molecular scales, and then apply this understanding to assess and remediate field scale problems. Examples of molecular scale data which identify formation of heavy-metal enriched precipitates using Quick-scanning X-ray absorption spectroscopy will be presented. Additionally, new projects involving agricultural nutrients (potassium) and environmental contaminants (arsenic) will be presented.
David C. Weindorf教授,1995年获德克萨斯理工大学放牧管理学士学位;1997年获德克萨斯理工大学土壤科学硕士学位;2002年获德克萨斯理工大学农学博士学位。2001-2007年担任塔尔顿州立大学和德州农业实验站助理教授;2007-2013年先后担任路易斯安那州立大学助理教授和副教授;2013-2018年先后担任德克萨斯理工大学土壤科学系副教授、教授、农学院副院长;2019年开始担任德克萨斯理工大学副校长助理、土壤学会主席、教授。Weindorf教授目前承担《土壤学基础和实践》、《土壤分类学》、《高级土壤分类学》、《旱地土壤和作物学》、《土壤矿物学》等课程。Weindorf教授在Pedosphere、Agricultural Journal、Agronomy Journal、Geoderma、Advances in Agronomy、Soil Biology and Biochemistry等土壤学和农学领域期刊发表论文150篇,h指数达34。
Matthew G. Siebecker副教授,2006年获马赛诸塞州环境科学/植物与土壤双专业学士学位;2014年获特拉华大学环境土壤化学博士学位。2014-2019年先后在刘易斯海洋科学和政策学院、特拉华环境研究所、特拉华大学做博士后;2019年开始担任德克萨斯理工大学农学院助理教授。研究方向为应用环境土壤化学。在Nature Communications、Advances in Agronomy、Science of the Total Environment等期刊发表论文20余篇。